The most likely scenario for this services is that you have just taken possession of the property and want to carry out renovation works to optimize the Feng Shui of the property before you move in.
This may be a newly completed property or an existing one.
I will conduct a site inspection, take compass reading, analyse your birth chart and
- Give you a Feng Shui diagnosis of your property
- Check if the surrounding land-form features are complimentary and provide recommendations if not.
- Check if any nearby natural and man-made structures are creating any ‘sha’ (killing energies) that is detrimental to your property and suggest cures for it, if any
- Recommend the optimal utilization of the space in the house and the optimal placement of the main door, stove, beds, study table etc to enhance the occupants wealth, health and relationship potential
- Recommend suitable items such at water features, wind chime etc and their placement to enhance the auspicious energies and to neutralize the inauspicious energies within the house
- Recommend suitable colors for the property’s interior (and exterior if applicable)
- Recommend the optimal placement of water and rock feature in the garden (if applicable)
- Select an auspicious date and time for the start of renovation
- Select an auspicious date and time for moving
- Plus answer any Feng Shui consulting related questions that you may have about the property