"What You Absolutely Must Know Before You Buy a House"

Here's what you'll learn for free ... over 50 illustrations!

  • Interior or Exterior Feng Shui? Which has a greater effect on the occupants?
  • What are the signs of Beneficial Qi? What are Sha or Killing energies and how how to avoid them?
  • The Sitting side of the house relates to descendants. What landform features can strengthen or weaken this aspect?
  • Sha or Killing Energy - How inauspicious man-made structures and natural landform located nearby can degrade the Feng Shui of your house?
  • The Sitting side of the house relates to descendants. What landform features can strengthen this aspect?
  • The Facing side of the house relates to wealth and opportunities. What landform features can give these aspects a boost?
  • The Left (Dragon) side of the house relates to the male, helpful people etc. What kind of landform should you have on this side?
  • The Right (Tiger) side of the house relates to the female, petty people etc. What if this side is too strong?
  • What is the effect of an overly tall building e.g. 34 levels condo located very near to a low rise or landed property?
  • The pros and cons of a house located at the intersection of a T junction?
  • What is the ideal shape for a house and the land that the house sits on?
  • What are the effects of missing corners in a house?
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